Saturday, March 30, 2019

Curacao Sunday A Smashing Success!!!

On Sunday March 24th we at the Morne Prosper Pentecostal Church (MPPC) celebrated Curacao Sunday. This originated from the PAWI General Director of Christian Education, Rev. Cheryl Whiteman at the Coordinators Conference in Grenada last year. The Coordinators for the different islands were tasked with having March as the Missions Focus in our churches featuring Rev. Cynthia Jack the PAWI missionary to Curacao.

This is what transpired at MPPC. We prayed for Rev. Cynthia Jack and the island of Curacao. We had foods from Curacao for sale to raise funds for Rev. Jack. We dressed in the colors of the flag (yellow, white and blue).

Originally it was intended for just the Christian Education Department to dress in the colors so that it would stand out in the congregation but during service in early March Pas. Jenn shared with the church what the Christian Education Department was up to and gave them the freedom to join us in our celebrations. And join they did!

For the entire month of March we focused on Curacao each Sunday during Christian Education. We learned different facts about Curacao and prayed for the island and Rev. Jack each Sunday. The month culminated in Curacao Sunday on March 24th. On Sunday the 17th we looked at the different foods and each person who was able to chose a recipe to make and bring the following Sunday for sale.

It was really fun. We prayed for Curacao at the beginning of the session and the rest of the time was spent buying tastes of each dish, eating and mingling. We took pictures of course just so you could see and join in our celebration though secondhand.

Here you go:

The Christian Education participants
The Christian Education participants

Bro. Valerie (Pastor Valerie's dad visiting that Sunday) praying over the foods

Praying over the food at the beginning

Curacao foods for sale ( prices and names of the dishes are on bits of paper in front of each dish)

Our Assistant Superintendent Sis. Rose Vidal taking a tally of foods being bought and collecting the payments


Pas. Dolph Valerie enjoying his taste of Curacao

Even babies were eating Curacao foods

Pas. Dolph Valerie's parents (visiting that Sunday) enjoying their taste of Curacao

Senior Pastor, Pas. Dolph Valerie enjoying what looks like Poffertjes
Administrative Pastor, Pas. Jennifer Valerie enjoying Karni Stoba & Bitterballen

Sis. Angela Maximin enjoying her taste of Curacao

Worhsip team all decked out

Worhsip team all decked out

Worhsip team all decked out

The congregation looking really colorful during joyful worship
In the excitement of the moment we didn't take pictures of the actual food other than what you see in the pictures above where they're all laid out on the bench. These were all pretty simple dishes to prepare and tasted delicious. Here are pictures from the web of the foods we prepared and sold:
Bitterballen prepared by Sis. Rose Vidal

Hagenslag prepared by Sis. Angela Maximin

Karni stoba prepared by Sis. Merlin Ogarro

Oliebollen prepared by Pas. Jennifer C. Valerie

Pannenkoeken prepared by Sis. Angela Maximin

Poffertjes prepared by Sis. Suzette Dejean

Stamppot prepared by Pas. Jennifer C. Valerie
Kudos to all our folks who took part in Curacao Sunday.

Sis. Agatha Allan went all the way out and sewed outfits for the ladies of the worship team and made ties for the men of the worship team.

The worship team dressed in the colors of the Curacao flag

Sis. Suzette Dejean included Curacao in part of one of the songs she led that Sunday singing:
Curacao for Jesus 
Hear the battle cry
Curacao for Jesus
We will fight until we die
Curacao for Jesus 
We must win

A great big thank you to our Senior Pastor, Pastor Dolph Valerie for giving a bit of time in the wider church service where the entire congregation joined in praying for Curacao and Rev. Cynthia Jack. Curacao will never be the same because God answers prayer.

To all the members of the congregation who came out in one, two or all the colors of the flag thank you so much. You made this occasion really memorable. Church members are asking that we do other countries soon 🤣🤣🤣.

Morne Prosper Pentecostal Church | Morne Prosper | Dominica | West Indies |


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