Friday, December 16, 2011

Fighting For Our Children

Fighting for our children was the focus of our prayer meeting on Wednesday night.

God moved powerfully as we followed His lead.  We spent time repenting for our own sins and allowing Him to show us where we need His forgiveness, intervention and change in our own lives.  Pastor Valerie asked those who would commit to being a bridge to the young people whether our own children or not to come up for a special time of prayer and anointing.  God moved among us - there were tears and crying out to God and He worked on our hearts mightily.

Prior to Wednesday's prayer meeting the church members were asked to bring the names of their children whether adult or young on a slip of paper and to tell those who were absent to do the same.  After experiencing God's revelation and forgiveness in our lives at the altar, Pastor Valerie asked all the young children and youth who were present at the prayer meeting to come up to the altar.  He led the way in a powerful prayer over their lives and over the lives of those written on the slips of paper.

God is a prayer answering God and we will not back down.  We are fighting for the lives of our children, our young ones, our youth.  Help us pray.  Thank you so much for agreeing with us in prayer.

Morne Prosper Pentecostal Church | Morne Prosper | Dominica | West Indies | 1-767-448-6835 |

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